Saturday, March 21, 2009

My Oath to my Brothers and Sisters.

I was 17 years old working at a grocery store. Two NAVY recruiters came in, a female and male and asked me if I would like to join. I was so excited I ran home that night and told my parents that I wanted to join the NAVY. After doing the pre-requisits and finding out what jobs were available I decided on Corpsman. The NAVY guy said that corpsman was just filled and my dad said he doesn't care and to call the Pentagon so I can claim what's mine. The guy did that and got me the job! I remember my girlfriend wanting to run away and get married instead, "god how I miss that Greek beauty" at-least I had a hell of night before being shipped off, lol. I knew what was better and that the NAVY would be more educational in the longrun. So there I was, infront of my parents, my best friend that I was going in with, God and Country, taking my oath to the Constitution, to protect it from ALL enemies foreign AND domestic. I was shipped off to bootcamp in Great Lakes IL. right outside of Chicago. Bootcamp had its ups and downs but after a while it became fun and I built a lot of friendships. Then was Naval Hospital Corspman Academy across the street. That was the last time I had seen my adoptive best highschool friend. I spent my time in a Hotel that the NAVY had just built for new Corpsman, equipped with T-1 internet and all! After completing school I decided to stay east coast since I live in AZ I wanted to see more of the US. After living in Camp Lejeune NC being a Phlebotomist, my parents back home were having trouble with a tyrannical Sheriff hell bent on making my dads life miserable. My dad and him had some grudges since highschool because my dad caught the Sheriff raping his own cousin which my dad was dating at the time. So good ol boy politics came back to the old ranch. My dad retired early working as law enforcement for the state and this new terrorising everyday and trespassing and threatening etc. was taking a toll. I decided to get a hold of John McCain and he helped me get out of the NAVY Honorable discharge. I went home to help family with this Government Tyranny. Next I knew 9/11 was happening and I have two aunts that knew something was up before it happened. My step grandfather was a World banker and set up Citi bank in the middle east, imagine why my aunts knew beforehand. So the tyranny at home was becoming worse and worse by the week with slaughtering of our animals, shooting at us, trying to run us over, car theft, kidnapping you name it. Then I had an epiphany, I remembered that I had taken the oath, and so did my father when he served in Korea as an MP. I felt that it was my duty from here on out that the threat of the domestic enemy far outweighs the threat of some foreigner. So ever since then I have been involved in politics, reading laws and trying to understand them and hearing stories of corruption across the U.S.. I now live in Mesa since we lost everything we had, due to becoming bankrupt after 11 years of trials, a dozen lawyers, a divorce, and becoming very afraid and traumatized of the corrupt domestic enemies. I live in the great valley of the sun helping out whenever I can to get the word out of the corruptions and abuse of the Government and the Media, please check it out if you already haven't. I already took my oath and I will take it again! I will abide by the Constitution and all taht the forefathers wished for us, as a Veteran that has been in a different kind of war, the kind that is right here in our own backyard, I refuse to submit to the New World Order! Molon Labe rEVOLution~

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